Wednesday, May 14, 2025
- 10:00 AM6hRefracted Histories: 19th-c. Islamic Windows as a Prism into MIT’s Past, Present, and FutureHidden within MIT’s Distinctive Collections, many architectural elements from the earliest days of the Institute’s architecture program still survive as part of the Rotch Art Collection. Among the artworks that conservators salvaged was a set of striking windows of gypsum and stained-glass, dating to the late 18th- to 19th c. Ottoman Empire. This exhibition illuminates the life of these historic windows, tracing their refracted histories from Egypt to MIT, their ongoing conservation, and the cutting-edge research they still prompt.The Maihaugen Gallery (14N-130) is open Monday through Thursday, 10am - 4pm, excluding Institute holidays.
- 11:00 AM45mMIT Museum Highlights TourJoin a member of our Visitor Experience Team for this 45-minute introductory tour of the MIT Museum. Learn about the collection, our history, and get your questions answered by our gallery experts. Space is limited, please speak to a visitor experience representative at the admission desk when purchasing museum tickets if you would like to participate in the tour.Every Wednesday at 11am Free with museum admission
- 12:00 PM2hWriting Together: In-person Writing RetreatIf you need extra time to work on your writing projects this spring, join in-person Writing Together Retreats. These structured writing sessions are designed to help you make progress on your projects while being productive with the peer support of other students and scholars. Additionally, some sessions will feature MIT Librarians, who will be available to provide advice.This program is open to all MIT students, postdocs, faculty, and staff who are actively writing papers, proposals, manuscripts, or thesis chapters.All sessions will take place on Wednesdays. We will provide lunch, drinks, and a conducive ambiance for writing.NOTE: These sessions are co-sponsored by the Writing and Communication Center, MIT Libraries, the Office of Graduate Education, and the Graduate Student Council.
- 12:10 PM50mConcerts in the ChapelORSEL presents concerts each month, holding space in the Chapel for stillness and reflection — February 12, March 12, April 9, and May 14. Drop in anytime and enjoy tasty mORSELs after each concert!Valerie K. Chen, cello (February 12)Join EECS PhD student Valerie K. Chen for a midday contemplation of resilience, reconciliation, and compassion through the voice of the solo cello. Carson Marshall and Umer Piracha (March 12) Violinist and meditation guide Carson Marshall and Sufi vocalist Umer Piracha present a meditative sound experience blending classical violin improvisations with the rich vocal traditions of Sufi Qawwali. This collaboration explores deep listening, presence, and resonance through sustained melodic phrasing, the meditative drone of the tanpura, and immersive vocal textures. Leon Guallart Diaz (April 9)Leon Guallart is an artist from Barcelona, Spain, whose sound has been described as 'a warm hug in the middle of a snowstorm.' His current project, the Comfort: Home Tour, aims to bring warmth and comfort to iconic spaces around the world, designed by architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Eero Saarinen, or Mies van der Rohe. TBA (May 14) PREVIOUS ARTISTS:Carson Marshall and Natalie Lin Douglas (December 4)Violinist and Meditation guide Carson Marshall and MIT Associate Professor of Music Natalie Lin Douglas present a concert combining guided meditation with live classical music, providing tools for cultivating presence, deep listening, and emotional regulation. Musical selections will include works by Bach, Anna Clyne, and improvisations with violin and Shruti box.Past Concerts:Leo Eguchi: UNACCOMPANIED (November 6)MIT Affiliated Artist Leo Eguchi, cello, presents selections from his immigration themed solo performance project, UNACCOMPANIED, featuring newly commissioned works by immigrant and first generation American composers.Evan Ziporyn: Sonic Holograms (October 2)Evan Ziporyn, Kenan Sahin Distinguished Professor of Music at MIT & Faculty Director of MIT CAST, weaves live clarinet, bass clarinet, wind synth, effects boxes and loop pedals into a multidimensional, immersive and meditative auditory journey.Christine Southworth: Mushroom Modulations (September 4)Multi-media composer and MIT alum Christine Southworth will make music by “listening” to slight electrical variations in live colonies she has grown via electrodes placed on different parts of the fruiting growth and converted to sound.
- 2:45 PM15mMIT@2:50 - Ten Minutes for Your MindTen minutes for your mind@2:50 every day at 2:50 pm in multiple time zones:Europa@2:50, EET, Athens, Helsinki (UTC+2) (7:50 am EST), EST, New York, Toronto (UTC-4), PST, Los Angeles, Vancouver (UTC=7) (5:50 pm EST) everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Stop by and unplug. Get the benefits of mindfulness without the fuss.@2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together.No pre-requisite, no registration needed.Visit the website to view all @2:50 time zones each or
- 5:00 PM3hNew England I-Corps: For Researchers Considering a Technology-based StartupFor Researchers Interested in Commercializing their New TechnologyExplore taking your new technology to the marketplace Get entrepreneurial training, support to identify customers Learn how to apply for $50,000 from the NSFIncrease your chances of receiving an SBIR/STTR awardClick here for more details
- 5:15 PM2h 45mThe Table - Lutheran Episcopal MinistryEvery Wednesday night you are invited to come to The Table for peaceful Christian worship in the Chapel at 5:15 pm and dinner in the Main Dining Room of W11 at 6:30 pm.We worship with beautiful songs, open conversation about the Scriptures, prayers and a simple sharing of communion around the altar. Then we enjoy dinner together and good company together. Whether you come every week or just drop by once in a while, there is a caring community for you at the Table.You are truly welcome to come as you are: undergrad, grad, or post-doc; sure of your faith or wondering what it is all about; gay, straight, bi, trans*, questioning. Please join us for no-pressure worship and fellowship.Hosted by the Lutheran Epsicopal Ministry @ MIT. For more information, or to verify gathering times during holiday and vacation periods, please contact chaplains Andrew Heisen ( and Kevin Vetiac (
- 5:30 PM1h 25mRefuge @ MIT: weekly worship, prayer & Bible Study.Refuge @ MIT. Join our weekly gathering for Christian students and seekers as we have worship, prayer and Bible study each Wednesday evening. We share some food and enjoy an in depth Bible study, open to all students at MIT.
- 6:00 PM2h 15mChildbirth Preparation ClassThis six-week course offers soon-to-be parents full evidence-based information about birth and the ability to learn coping techniques such as relaxation, breathing, position practice, and massage. You will have the opportunity to learn about each of these as well as gain hands-on practice.Classes will cover choices in the hospital and how to understand risk reduction for both mother and baby.This class focuses on vaginal birth but also covers what happens in a C-section in case one is needed.Partners are encouraged to attend and will leave with a "toolbox" of support techniques. Handouts are provided.A small introduction to breastfeeding and early post-partum are covered in this course.One registration is good for both the mother and 1 support person.The ideal time to take this course is during the late 2nd trimester to early 3rd trimester.Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is a fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.