Wednesday, April 2, 2025
- All dayArtfinity: The MIT Festival for the ArtsA celebration of creativity and community at MITArtfinity is a new festival of the arts at MIT featuring 80 free performing and visual arts events, celebrating creativity and community at the Institute. Artfinity launches with the opening of the new Edward and Joyce Linde Music Building on February 15, 2025, continues with a concentration of events February 28-March 16, and culminates with the Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts public lecture by 2025 recipient artist and designer Es Devlin on May 1, 2025, and a concert by Grammy-winning rapper and Visiting Professor Lupe Fiasco on May 2, 2025. Artfinity embodies MIT’s commitment to creativity, community, and the intersection of art, science and technology. We invite you to join us in this celebration, explore the diverse events, and experience the innovative spirit that defines the arts at MIT.About the Artists Artfinity features the innovative work of MIT faculty, students, staff, and alumni, alongside guest artists from the Greater Boston area and beyond.About the Activities & Events All 80 events are open to the public, including dozens of concerts and performances plus an array of visual arts such as projections, films, installations, exhibitions, and augmented reality experiences, as well as lectures and workshops for attendees to participate in. With a wide range of visual and performing arts events open to all, Artfinity embodies MIT’s commitment to the arts and the intersection of art, science, and technology.About the Presenters Artfinity is an institute-sponsored event organized by the Office of the Arts at MIT with faculty leads Institute Professor of Music Marcus Thompson and Professor of Art, Culture and Technology Azra Akšamija. Departments, labs, centers, and student groups across MIT are presenting partners.Visit for more information about the arts at MIT.
- All dayFourth quarter Physical Education & Wellness...
- 8:00 AM1hBrain and Cognitive Sciences Graduate Open HouseBy invitation only. Please contact bcs-admissions with any questions.
- 9:30 AM1h 30mA series of lecturesSpeaker: Alex Lubotzky (Weizmann Institute & the Hebrew University, Simons Distinguished Visiting Professor, MIT)Title: High Dimensional Expanders (HDX) and their applications in pure math and computer scienceAbstract:Expander graphs have been an intensive topic of research in math and CS during the last six decades. In the last two decades a high dimensional theory has emerged with (very different) applications in math & CS.In this series of 8 independent (but related) lectures we present some aspects of the theory of HDX and its applications, a number of open problems and suggestions for further research.A more detailed plan:1. Thursday 2/20/25, 4:30pm, 2-190 (Math Colloquium); refreshments served at 4pm in 2-290  Introduction: three main problems(a) Gromov overlapping property(b) Locally testable codes(c) Are all groups sofic?2. Tuesday 2/25/25, 4:15-5:15pm, 32-G449 (Theory of Computing Colloquium), refreshments served at 4pmGood Locally testable codes3. Wednesday 2/26/25, 9:30-11am, 2-449Expander graphs: combinatorics, spectral gap, representation theory(Kazhdan property (T), property (\tau) and more) and property testing4. Wednesday 3/5/25, 9:30-11am, 2-449Geometric & topological expanders, Coboundary expanders, Random simplicial complexes and Property testing5. Wednesday 3/12/25, 9:30-11am, 2-449From Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes6. Wednesday 3/19/25, 9:30-11am, 2-449Stability and group approximation, Garland Theorem and the p-adic Deligne central extensionsWednesday 3/26/25 - Spring vacation7. Wednesday 4/2/26, 9:30-11am, 2-449Some more CS: Agreement tests, direct product test; PCP8. Wednesday 4/9/25, 9:30-11am, 2-449Are there non-sofic groups? The Aldous-Lyons conjecture and more
- 10:00 AM6hRefracted Histories: 19th-c. Islamic Windows as a Prism into MIT’s Past, Present, and FutureHidden within MIT’s Distinctive Collections, many architectural elements from the earliest days of the Institute’s architecture program still survive as part of the Rotch Art Collection. Among the artworks that conservators salvaged was a set of striking windows of gypsum and stained-glass, dating to the late 18th- to 19th c. Ottoman Empire. This exhibition illuminates the life of these historic windows, tracing their refracted histories from Egypt to MIT, their ongoing conservation, and the cutting-edge research they still prompt.The Maihaugen Gallery (14N-130) is open Monday through Thursday, 10am - 4pm, excluding Institute holidays.
- 11:00 AM45mMIT Museum Highlights TourJoin a member of our Visitor Experience Team for this 45-minute introductory tour of the MIT Museum. Learn about the collection, our history, and get your questions answered by our gallery experts. Space is limited, please speak to a visitor experience representative at the admission desk when purchasing museum tickets if you would like to participate in the tour.Every Wednesday at 11am Free with museum admission
- 11:00 AM1hNewcomers Office HourAre you new to MIT and MIT Spouses & Partners Connect? Want to learn about how to participate in our meetings and groups? Have questions about living, working, and/or parenting in Boston? Meet with Jennifer Recklet Tassi, the Program Manager, and Viktoriia Palesheva, the Program Assistant, and ask your questions about life at MIT and in Boston.If you'd like to attend, just send an email to to let us know you're coming.
- 12:00 PM1hTai Chi - Virtual ClassA martial art known for its many health benefits, tai chi is a moving study in meditation.Designed for small spaces, this class covers fundamental skills including postures, hand, and footwork. A short Yang style tai chi form will be taught.Special clothing is not necessary, but athletic shoes and loose fitting pants are recommended.Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- 12:00 PM1h 30mThe Coming Strategic Revolution of Artificial Intelligence: The U.S.-China Contest and the Sources of Competitive AdvantageDr. Michael Mazarr from the RAND will speak at the MIT Security Studies Program's Wednesday Seminar.In this seminar, Dr. Mazarr will discuss the political and technical dimensions of the U.S.-China competition in the domain of artificial intelligence, based on recent research projects at RAND.
- 2:30 PM1h 30mDevelopment SeminarTBA | David Lagakos
- 2:45 PM15mMIT@2:50 - Ten Minutes for Your MindTen minutes for your mind@2:50 every day at 2:50 pm in multiple time zones:Europa@2:50, EET, Athens, Helsinki (UTC+2) (7:50 am EST), EST, New York, Toronto (UTC-4), PST, Los Angeles, Vancouver (UTC=7) (5:50 pm EST) everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Stop by and unplug. Get the benefits of mindfulness without the fuss.@2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together.No pre-requisite, no registration needed.Visit the website to view all @2:50 time zones each or
- 3:00 PM1hResilience Training SeriesWould you like to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth? Cultivate a non-judgmental perspective toward yourself and the world? Treat yourself with greater compassion?Created by the Resilience and Prevention Program at Mass General Hospital, this engaging 4-part workshop series offers the tools and strategies you need to build resilience. Come learn and practice evidence-based skills that will help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence.The Resilience Training workshops are presented as a series. Attendance required at all 4 sessions!Other event dates in this series:Date, Time, and SessionWed April, 2, 2025 3pm-4pm Part 1: Introduction to Resilience and MindfulnessWed April 9, 2025 3pm–4pm Part 2: Self-CompassionWed April 16, 2025 3pm–4pm Part 3: MentalizationWed April 23, 2025 3pm–4pm Part 4: Creating a Resilience Plan
- 3:30 PM1h 15mMultiscale Modeling of Bioelectrocatalytic Cascades, Prof. Scott C. Barton, Michigan State UniversityMIT Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM) Seminar
- 4:00 PM1hAnthro Tea!Come relax with us and enjoy some fun conversation! No need to RSVP: just show up with your friends!
- 4:00 PM1hGeometric Analysis SeminarSpeaker: Zhenhua Liu (Princeton)Title: General behavior of area-minimizing subvarietiesAbstract:We will review some recent progress on the general geometric behavior of homologically area-minimizing subvarieties, namely, objects that minimize area with respect to homologous competitors. They are prevalent in geometry, for instance, as holomorphic subvarieties of a Kahler manifold, or as special Lagrangians on a Calabi-Yau, etc. A fine understanding of the geometric structure of homological area-minimizers can give far-reaching consequences for related problems.Camillo De Lellis and his collaborators have proven that area-minimizing integral currents have codimension two rectifiable singular sets. A pressing next question is what one can say about the geometric behavior of area-minimizing currents beyond this. Almost all known examples and results point towards that area-minimizing subvarieties are subanalytic, generically smooth, and calibrated. It is natural to ask if these hold in general. In this direction, we prove that all of these properties thought to be true generally and proven to be true in special cases are totally false in general. We prove that area-minimizing subvarieties can have fractal singular sets. Smoothable singularities are non-generic. Calibrated area minimizers are non-generic. Consequently, we answer several conjectures of Frederick J. Almgren Jr., Frank Morgan, and Brian White from the 1980s.
- 4:00 PM1hLie Groups SeminarSpeaker: Cris Negron (University of Southern California)
- 4:00 PM1hSoftball vs. Salisbury UniversityTime: 11:00 AMLocation: Salisbury, MD
- 4:00 PM1h 30mTips and Tricks for Productive WritingStruggling to stay on track with your writing? This four-session workshop series will help you navigate common challenges and develop strategies for a more productive writing process. We will explore how to manage your time and set realistic expectations, harness perfectionism to your advantage, build a strong working relationship with your dissertation advisor or PI, and use constructive procrastination as a tool for maintaining a healthy writing routine. Each session will be interactive and designed to equip you with practical skills to improve your writing habits.Pre-registration is required to participate and light refreshments will be served.
- 4:30 PM1hMen's Tennis vs. Wesleyan UniversityTime: 3:00 PMLocation: Middletown, CT
- 5:00 PM1hPreparing Your Medical School Application - Sophomore Year and After!Are you a sophomore (or first year) and considering a career in medicine? Join Prehealth Advising for an info session on how to develop a strong application for medical school and other health profession programs. Attendees will learn receive an overview of the medical school application process along with information on MCAT timelines and test prep, strategies for volunteering & shadowing, and the pros & cons of applying as a junior or taking a gap year.This event will focus on sophomores, but ALL students & alumni are welcome to attend!
- 5:00 PM1hWomen's Tennis vs. Hamilton CollegeTime: 10:00 AMLocation: Cambridge, MA
- 5:15 PM2h 45mThe Table - Lutheran Episcopal MinistryEvery Wednesday night you are invited to come to The Table for peaceful Christian worship in the Chapel at 5:15 pm and dinner in the Main Dining Room of W11 at 6:30 pm.We worship with beautiful songs, open conversation about the Scriptures, prayers and a simple sharing of communion around the altar. Then we enjoy dinner together and good company together. Whether you come every week or just drop by once in a while, there is a caring community for you at the Table.You are truly welcome to come as you are: undergrad, grad, or post-doc; sure of your faith or wondering what it is all about; gay, straight, bi, trans*, questioning. Please join us for no-pressure worship and fellowship.Hosted by the Lutheran Epsicopal Ministry @ MIT. For more information, or to verify gathering times during holiday and vacation periods, please contact chaplains Andrew Heisen ( and Kevin Vetiac (
- 5:30 PM1hActive Gentle Yoga - Virtual ClassMany people think gentle yoga is too easy and not an effective form of fitness. Think again! You can practice yoga in ways that are both active and gentle at the same time.Come enjoy the many known benefits of yoga through:the practice of active yet gentle, rhythmic movementheld yoga poses and vinyasa flow (moving from pose to pose via the breath)pranayam (breath work)relaxation and meditationIn this well-rounded class, Celeste LeMieux, 500 hr certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor, provides clear instructions and modifications, making it accessible and beneficial to practitioners of all ages and stages of yoga practice and life.You will leave class feeling both stretched and strengthened while also feeling more calm and relaxed. This class is the perfect mid-week reset for body and mind. Come see how less really can be more!Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- 5:30 PM1h 25mRefuge @ MIT: weekly worship, prayer & Bible Study.Refuge @ MIT. Join our weekly gathering for Christian students and seekers as we have worship, prayer and Bible study each Wednesday evening. We share some food and enjoy an in depth Bible study, open to all students at MIT.
- 6:00 PM1hSoftball vs. Salisbury UniversityTime: 11:00 AMLocation: Salisbury, MD
- 7:00 PM1hWomen's Lacrosse vs. Union CollegeTime: 1:00 PMLocation: Cambridge, MA
- 8:00 PM1hMen's Volleyball vs. Arcadia UniversityTime: 12:00 PMLocation: Cambridge, MA